Experts agree that from the time a child’s hands are big enough to fit comfortably around a keyboard, typically aged 6 to 7, they are ready to learn to touch-type. From this age children are also learning spelling skills and are often excited about using computers. From then on it becomes extremely useful, especially in preparation for Senior School, when most work and homework is expected to be typed and often work involves long essays that will be edited and re-edited.
Touch-typing is taught through a build up of muscle memory – key to this is learning through repetitive and correct movements and avoiding getting into the habit of looking down to find or check the keys. Once this accuracy is achieved, the speed will come naturally. Children are always surprised that they can type automatically without even having to think.
We use a number of different typing programmes and we select the most suitable based on age, learning preference and needs.
Key to success is that each student receives the attention that they need, not just for direct teaching but also to address comfort, posture and the best typing techniques. Every child is built differently and advice needs to be given to ensure each key can be reached in comfort and with ease. Always, the emphasis is on accuracy before speed.
The Beginners Touch Typing course is focused on getting the best techniques and the right habits in place from the start. The focus is always on accuracy to begin with, with simple exercises and lots of interaction. The atmosphere is kept light, with a short period of fun and games to finish each session.
Children leaving at the end of a Beginner Course will typically have the basics in place, be able to type without constantly looking at the keyboard, and have some good techniques and habits with which to practice. And our students always say they had fun with us too.
Our Refresher Course combines students who want to polish up their skills, increase their speeds or simply go back and refresh the basics to allow them to continue to improve.
Like the beginner course, we assess each student to ensure the course is focused on what they need, and classes are again kept small to ensure the best levels of personal attention.
All of our typing courses can be run as After-school, Saturday or Holiday Clubs, and can be run in small groups in your own home.

These courses are run as one-to-one sessions, or in small groups at our popular Handwriting Camps. We run courses in Richmond, in schools or in your own home. New courses are published regularly, so please get in touch to find out what is on and to check availability.
Handwriting can be a challenge, especially for children and young adults with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. This can impact many other areas, and we are delighted to play a part in reducing this as an obstacle for young people. We use a variety of specialist techniques depending on our initial assessment, and our specialist teachers have years of experience. We use programmes approved by the British Dyslexia Association and the National Handwriting Association.
Camps are designed to be fun. Although the key objective is to improve handwriting and writing confidence, there is so much that supports this, from good posture and ergonomic grip, to hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor skills. We address all of these in structured short courses (typically over four days), wrapped up in fun and games the kids enjoy.
Guided by the National Handwriting Association, each morning has a different writing focus, covering the four key pattern formations of Straight Down, Up and Over, Backwards and Around, and Zooming.
We also address
> The P’s – Posture, Pencil, Paper and Pressure, and
> The S’s – Shape, Space, Size, Sitting, Stringing, Slant, Spread and Style
Each day starts with some fun warming-up exercises (involving putty!) and includes various arts and crafts activities to reinforce that day’s learnings. Kids learn best when they are enjoying themselves and that is what we aim for.